Turn the Tide & Ride the Wave to your Success in Japan

IT Consulting ⯁ Business Development ⯁ Product Localization ⯁ Project Management

TYDL WAVE (tīdl wāv) is your Partner for Japan Market

As your company enters or expands into the Japanese market, ensuring the implementation of effective strategies for establishing and nurturing local partnerships is paramount. It’s crucial to acknowledge that many collaborations with Japanese firms encounter challenges leading to breakdowns in communication, service expectations, decision-making procedures, or even a lack of trust, often resulting in premature disruptions.

At TYDL WAVE LLC, we specialize in providing comprehensive pre and post-contract support tailored specifically for North American companies engaged in business endeavors within Japan. Our expertise is crafting and sustaining successful relationships while navigating Japanese business culture’s intricate landscape and nuances.

We recognize the complexities of negotiation and contract renewal within the Japanese context and stand ready to guide you through these processes seamlessly. Even when your company lacks an established sales or customer success team in Japan, you can trust us to step in and offer our proficient assistance.

Our company has over 20+ years of experience in agile software development, product localization, platform operation, and enterprise solutions to ensure optimal consultation and support for companies or projects of all sizes.

If you’re seeking the guidance of a seasoned consulting firm with an in-depth understanding of conducting business in Japan, look no further. TYDL WAVE LLC is here to partner with you, ensuring your endeavors in the Japanese market are characterized by professionalism, trust, and fruitful outcomes.


Partner Development

Unlocking the true potential of a business relationship goes beyond a simple dinner in Tokyo. Our expertise lies in delving deep into your client's needs and expectations to create a foundation of trust and understanding.


Bringing together engineers and project managers from different cultures and languages is no easy feat. Our project management support is the bridge, ensuring seamless collaboration transcending technical and language barriers.

Customer Support

While responding to time-sensitive tickets or providing necessary guidance during proof of concept, issues with communication can hinder your business and relationship. Our comprehensive support includes 24/7 conferencing, tailored training, and insightful seminars to ensure that your messages are crystal clear, no matter the language.

Product Development and Localization

In addition to our core offerings, we excel in managing development projects tailored to your business goals. Covering the full software development life cycle, from concept to deployment, we seamlessly blend technology and strategy for a unified approach. Moreover, our dedication to agile practices ensures rapid adaptation to changing requirements, ensuring optimal outcomes in dynamic business environments.

Contract Negotiation

The art of negotiation takes on a unique form in Japan. Our mastery of this delicate process, from skillfully navigating potential roadblocks to identifying the right decision-makers, ensures favorable outcomes.

Meeting Facilitation

Face-to-face meetings or online demos require meticulous planning. Our expertise ensures that every detail is covered, leaving you free to focus on your objectives while we handle nuances like cultural etiquette and business protocol.

Escalation and Mediation

Even the best partnerships encounter rough patches. Our adept intervention resolves the issues when conflicts arise and rejuvenates trust and commitment for stronger collaboration.

Operation and Security Advisory

Our consultations empower Japanese enterprises with modernization across technology, process, and organizational frameworks. We seamlessly introduce and align fitting enterprise solutions, covering domains such as container orchestration, hybrid cloud management, workflow automation, service mesh, DevSecOps, SCA, observability, data analytics, chaos engineering, and beyond.

TYDL WAVE LLC is your dedicated partner, bringing a human touch and years of experience to the forefront. We understand the subtleties of doing business in Japan and are committed to fostering success through trust, collaboration, and meticulous attention to detail.

About Us

Established in 2018, TYDL WAVE (pronounced “tīdl wāv”) LLC was founded by seasoned professionals with over two decades of experience spanning Tokyo, London, Vancouver, and San Francisco.

While existing services facilitate connections between North American firms and Japanese investors or resellers, TYDL WAVE distinguishes itself by focusing on the crucial phase that follows entry – effective collaboration with local partners and customers. This stage often brings challenges arising from cultural nuances and communication barriers that transcend translation alone.

Our team blends business development acumen, technical expertise, cultural nuances, and bilingual capabilities. These qualities position us as an indispensable ally in navigating the complexities of cross-market dynamics and fostering enduring partnerships in Japan.

Headquartered in Santa Clara, California, TYDL WAVE strategically manages relationships between Japanese companies and Silicon Valley-based service providers. Our expertise spans Mobile App Development, Container Orchestration, CI/CD Pipeline Tools, AI-based Analytics, Cloud Management, Open Source Integration, Observability Platforms, Enterprise Cybersecurity, and Blockchain Technologies.

Our core objective is unequivocal: to drive success for our Japanese and North American partner firms by facilitating seamless collaboration, mutual comprehension, and the attainment of shared business objectives.



TYDL WAVEではお客様の北米パートナーまたはエンタープライスベンダー間で発生する案件などをアメリカ現地にてリアルタイムに対応を致します。

日本国内のリセラーを通すと金額が高い上に技術サポートが足りない。海外の開発者と直接話をつけた方が効率が良いのだが、コミュニケーションが上手くいかない。TYDL WAVEではこの様なお客様の声をよく耳にします。

なぜ日本の企業はサービスやテクノロジーを提供する北米のスタートアップやベンダーと直接ビジネスをしないのか?その主な理由は言語の壁だけでは無く、日米間でのやり取りのノウハウを持った”窓口”がいないからです。TYDL WAVEは20年以上の経験と実績を生かし、日本企業をシリコンバレー現地からサポート致します。リスクやコスト等の理由でアメリカやカナダにまだ法人の無い中小企業を初め、日本のインターネット大手企業をクライアントに持つTYDL WAVEはお客様の北米サテライトオフィススタッフとして活躍いたします。

TYDL WAVEのミッションは日米企業間でのエンゲージメントやコラボレーションを活性化し、理想なパートナーシップを築き、お客様のビジネスの成功に貢献する事です。


  • パートナー又はエンタープライスソルーションベンダーの紹介
  • POCのサポート
  • 契約交渉
  • ライセンスやコンプライアンスのマネージメント
  • 課題解決やエスカレーション時の対応
  • アプリやウェブサービスの共同開発のプログラムマネージメント
  • UI/UX、プロダクトフィーチャー、言語などのローカリゼーション
  • エンドユーザー思考のマーケットエントリー戦略
  • 市場リサーチ、データ分析等
  • 技術トレーニング
  • 北米でのカンファレンスやセミナーのサポート
  • プロダクトデモ・テクニカルミーティング等の同時通訳
  • この様な業務を全てアメリカ現地にてサポート致します



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Unlock Your Business Potentials in Japan with TYDL WAVE